Got a gd sermon u wanna share? A testimony? Prayer request? Let's make this a place for the Christians in 3I to pray and seek the harvest for God. Amen?

Sunday, January 30, 2005

How Shall we Live?

Matt 24:36-51

1. Watch!
-Greek Word: "Gregoreno" - To keep awake, be vigilant; The act of guarding or warding
-Watch out for false prophets, false christ (occult or "sorcery"), wars, famines, earthquakes (Matt 24:4-13)
-The end will come after all these signs, when the gospel will be preached in all the earth
-Daniel 9:27 (building of the Jewish Temple signals the start of tribulation
-Revelations 13:16-17 (Inventors of the Veri Chip)
-Revelations 9:16

2. Be Ready
-Greek word: "Histeos": Prepared for good works, witness
-2 Tim 4:2 / Matt 25:14-29 / Rev 20:4
-Is Jesus the absolute Lord of your life?

3. Be faithful
-Greek Word: "Pistos"
*Trustworthy, sure, true, reliable
*Faithful in service to God & others
*God will do what He has promised
-Isa 55:11

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Fri sermon

Text: Luke 6:46-49

Title: the teenage christian builder

are we calling Jesus Lord, Lord and not doing His bidding?

3 reasons why we can take to do God's bidding:

1) Recognise the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is worthy of worship, yet today wad we see is young people ashamed of God's name and do not dare to worship Him publicly.

2)He is God worthy of praise and adoration
Luke 7:36
we have so little love for God because we think our sins are too small. in reality, all our sins are equal in the eyes of God.

3)He is worthy of submission and service
we have to change our ways if there's a sin we will not give up

to grow in e Lord, we must respond
1) be hearers of His word
- read e bible
-encourage one another in verses
2)be doers as well
3)rest in e Lord
God does not let us fall or be utterly defeated.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Youth Camp Sermon (2 of 7)

God's part in this covenant is to be with us and to empower us to be more than a conqueror.
Josiah arose with such a boldness of God to bring cleansing and reform by removing every sight of evil. (2 Kings 23:4-24)
He had to battle in order to enforce God's Kingdom.

1. Sin will destroy your destiny
• Sin will rob you of your victory.
• Sin will cause you to run away from God and in that place of running away from God and hiding from Him, we cannot find victory.
• In Joshua 7:10, we see Israel facing a defeat at Ai after their great victory at Jericho because of Achan's sin.
• We must deal with sin ruthlessly specifically with rebellion and sexual sin.
• Today, rebellion is glorified in the name of entertainment. The devil is in an all out battle to destroy this generation and sin is rampant among young people today because the devil is corrupting the values of the world.

2. Sin will find you out
• Sin cannot stay in the presence of God.
• Sin will rob you because it will slow down the fulfillment of your destiny both individually and corporately.

3. God will judge each one in accordance to your sin
• Ezekiel 18:30-32 tells us that God will judge each one according to his ways and if we repent, our sin will not be our downfall.

4. Deal with sin
There was no other King in Israel who turned to the Lord as Josiah did with his heart, soul, mind and strength. (2 Kings 23:25)
• Need to make the U-turn - turn from sin and turn to God
• Turn to the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind & strength
• James 4:8
• Need to deal with sin ruthlessly - to throw off and cut off completely
• Sin and holiness cannot co-exist.

5. Live your life to please God
• 1 Thess 4:1-8
• 1 Cor 6:18-20, Gen 39:12

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Making the Most of the New Year (Part 1&2)

haha. kai.. it's cuz i got the story frm my fren hu's in fcbc. lol. anyway, below is a 2 part sermon on making most of the new yr.


Staying Aligned! (part1)
Neh 4:1-23
-When you start building, expect battling
-The devil will try to derail you by:
->we gotta PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens)
->through fears

-Staying Aligned! by:
1. Passion
2. Prayer (one hand doing God's work, the other holding your sword - God's Word)
3. Plan (SMAC)
->Specific (eg. when, how)
->Measurable (eg. how long?)
->Attainable (eg. can it be done?)
->Compatible (eg. Don't plan for something which clashes with other events)
4. Persevere

Staying on F.I.R.E.! (Part 2)
F - Forward Looking (Phil 3:12-14)
*Areas that we should not remain in:
1.Past failures (Isa 46:20-11)
-When God has given us good things, He has better things in store for us.
-We cannot rely only on the success of yesteryears, for it will soon fade away...
-When we dwell in past glories, we miss the season of God and the new things that He wants us to experience/know.

I - Invite His Habitation
*God does not just want visiting hours with His children... He wants full custody.
*How would we face 2005 knowing that God is with us ALL the time?
*God does not just stay in one room, but He stays in all the rooms, cause He is not a guest, He is the master of our lives.

R - Resolve to Account
*The leaders are put in our lives so that the devil cannot cripple us
*When we let the leaders account for our lives, sin cannot creep in
*Resolve: Make a decision with determination

E - Embrace God's Season

Story to Share

couped this story frm my fren's blog... but i find it meaningful and hope dat it is to you too.


Since he was young Santiago always wanted to be a shepherd. He wanted to travel, and as a shepherd he was able to walk the country and see the land. with his sheep :D in spain neway.

so he grew up and became a shepherd, learning the trade, and earning quite a sum of money. but as a shepherd he had long gotten used to living the simple life, and most nights he stayd in this old deserted chapel in the middle of which stood an ageing sycamore tree.

but one day God came to him in a dream. This was a dream that trully hit him; he was very sure of what it had told him. It was a dreamwhere something completely irrational just seemed so convincing and so possible. In this dream he was told to go from spain to egypt, to find a certain place which was clearly pictured in his dream. on reaching there, all he had to do would be to dig and he would find a huge pot of gold.

Now santiago was a man who pursued his dreams. So he sold all his sheep and went to egypt to find the place he saw in his dream. There he met a friend of his. He described this place to his friend, and asked if the friend could help him there.

"well thats really far away, you'll have to cross the Sahara and it would take you quite a lot of money to get there" said the friend.

He handed all the money he had to his friend.

he never saw it again.

Now, all alone and without any money, he sook shelter with a old lamp merchant, offering to work for food and shelter. eventually he found that he was a really good merchant himself, and soon owned a large share of the lamp shop.

but once again he was a man who pursued his dreams so he sold his share of the shop and made his way to the Sahara.

Once again sth bad happened to him(lol i cant rmb!) and he lost everything again. So on his own now, he walkedd and walked and walked and somehow found and oasis (ok fine this part is a little lame) , to find that there were pple living there. So he decided to stay there awhile. There, he made a decent living,

and then he met his souldmate. but despite this, he still insisted on pursuing his dream, and his souldmate understood his persistence.

So once again he set out in search of the place. When finally he arrived there it was a magnificent sight, just like in his dreamss. but that did not distract him from the task at hand. So he begun digging.

and digging
and digging
and digging

and then it was night time but he still hadnt found the pot of gold. now it appeared, it appeared, that santiago was cursed or sumthing, and he got robbed by a bunch of bandits.

and the bandit leader was like, "what are you doing here you stupid spanish man"
and he told him he was looking for a pot of gold he saw in his dream.
bandit leader: "you really are a stupid spanish man. a few days ago i was sitting at this spot and i dreamt of an old deserted chapel with a sycamore tree and under that tree was a pot of gold. ridiculous no?"

santi: i know that placee!
bandit leader shakes his head and leavees.

broke, he went back to the oasis, spent awhile there, left with money again and went back to spain., to that old deserted chapel. and whene he dug he found the pot of gold.

and he was lyk "GOd why did you send me so far, only to find that what i really wanted was where i was in the first place?"

and then God told him
"then you woudnt have learned all that youve learned on the journey... "

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Prayer Meeting

ok... so it's set... tmr (14 Jan), immediately after sch, meet at corridor beside library for a prayer meeting. bring ur bible along if you wanna.

Monday, January 03, 2005

u want?

i dun mind.. whether ya'll steady...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

In Response to Kingkai...

yup. really agree wif u. time's running out and we need to haf the urgency of time. end days are coming. juz look at the recent events of earthquakes, tsunamis. think of the lives lost and wonder where they will spend eternity in.

anyways, y dun we meet lyk on mon or tues this wk or nxt to pray for our class and sch. anyone?

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Youth Camp Sermon (1 of 7)

i had a youth camp themed "Running After You" during the december holidays and had a great time there. tot dat i wld share wif u guys the sermons we had...

Running after God is...
1. Running to God
2. Running away from sin
3. Running with Passion!

Running To God
*Luke 15:11-31 [Prodigal Son]
-God runs to each of us first & picks us up (God goes to us first)
-It does not matter what we have done for no one is too dirty for God's love to hold
-So that we can run to God
*2 Kings 22:1-2 / 23:1-3 / 23:25
-Josiah ran after God all his life
-It means that we must walk in the ways of God (22:2)
-We need to come to a place where our heart is griped with God (23:11, 19)
-We need to be actively seeking God
-We need to renew our covenant (23:3)

New Year

Happy New Year everyone... may this year be an evangelistic yr, may we reachour classes n all for God..